DSA are continually looking at existing insurance products and seeing how those products can be either amended or upgraded to reflect the needs of a changing world.

As Examples:
The Miscellaneous Costs Reimbursement Policy (MCRS) was born out of the old, very tired, “Excess Protection” and “Self-Drive Hire Policies”.

Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere is affectionately known as the 3A’s Policy. It has been developed over the last three years along with industry and “security” specialists, to provide a policy suited to today’s uncertain world of terror related atrocities. DSA had noted that until now Insurance products that were available were not appropriate in coverage nor significate in value to the individual(s) that were injured or died at such an occurrence. DSA strived to design a policy that would be of real benefit at a very affordable price to the policyholder [cost of a coffee a month] and present large organisations with a means to expression to their clients how they valued “Social Responsibility” at the fraction of that cost of that coffee a month!

The 3A’s can be tailored to fit clients and distribution models of all types.

DSA are currently consulting 3A’s with Airlines, Banks, Credit and Loyalty card providers, and Accommodation suppliers, on a global basis.

3A’s is a product that can be distributed to any client. The obvious connection with be through insurance as it can be connected to any type of policy. But it could be added as a benefit to the likes of a mass shopping discount cards or Utility company clients. In fact any selling entity with a care for customer wellbeing, all over the world The rating models used to date have allowed non-insurance or finance-based entities to give away-for-free the 3A’s as part of an enhanced marketing strategy. We can certainly assist you in how that can be implemented.

To evaluate how DSA can enhance or update any product that you currently provide, or to know more about any of the products mentioned above, please call or email us..

DSA Europe is a company registered under R.C.S. MONTAUBAN 513 014 241
A registered & regulated brokerage situated in France: No Orias 09 051 276